Upcoming Chess Club Events: Movie Night + Tournament

Hello Chess Club,

The officers have two events planned for later this quarter.

Cinema Night
The first being a cinema night where we will play various TV shows and movies featuring chess being played. We have collected dozens of shows and movies to play, and it should be very entertaining. A flyer is attached to this email you can print out and post or pass along to friends. The date is Monday, Feb 27, from 4-6pm in ARC Meeting Room 1, as usual. A $2 entry fee is charged to help support the club (but people who have paid for club membership are free!)

We do, however, need help from anyone who can bring a portable projector. We're still working on finding one to use.

Chess Tournament

The second event is a chess chess tournament. We're still finalizing the format, but we know it will be 10 minute time controls for each player, with at least 5 rounds played. The tournament will be held March 5th, 4-6pm in ARC Meeting Room 1. Entry fee will be $4. Please register at one of our next meetings or if you can't register in person, send us an email.

Please remember, people who have paid a $10 club membership fee get free entry into one tournament during the school year. And your support goes a long way to ensuring the club can stay viable in the future.

Thank you,

--Chess Club

P.S. A few members have responded with usernames for online chess. They are being added to the Members page of our website as they come in. Also those members who paid our membership fee during last week will be added to the list very soon.