Fall Quarter Blitz 2011

The Chess Club will be hosting its first tournament of the school year this upcoming November 14th. It will be a blitz tournament, so bring your boards and especially clocks!

Event Details
Date: Monday, November 14th.
Time: 6-8pm (please be prompt!)
Location: ARC Meeting Room 2 (map)

Entry Fee: $4.
For every entry fee, $3 will go towards prizes for the top winners, $1 goes to support Chess Club operations.

Tournament Rules
4 Round Blitz Tournament.
Each round play your opponent twice (2 games per round). Once as white pieces, once as black pieces.
Swiss Round Robin.
5 Minute time controls.
Touch Move.

Please email Daniel at djmoglen@ucdavis.edu to register. You can pay the entry fee on the day of the event or at a regular meeting before.

If you can, please print and distribute our event flyer around campus.

Please bring your clocks, especially extras. At this time, the club has only 1 timer.

Thank you and we hope to see you there!